18.08.2010 Public by Kazizil

Help my child do homework

Video embedded · Wondering how to help your children with homework — or how to get them to do it without a struggle? Here's how.

The Homework Battle: How to Get Children to Do Homework

These are just a few ways that kids try to hold onto the little control they have. When this starts help, parents feel more and more out of control, so they punish, nag, threaten, argue, throw up their hands or over-function for their children by doing the work for them. Now the battle is in full swing: The hard truth is that you cannot homework your children do anything, let alone homework.

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Instead, the idea is to set limits, respect their individual choices and help motivate them to motivate themselves. Struggling with your child's behavior? Get instant parenting help for angry outbursts, consequences, disrespect, oppositional defiant disorder or physical abuse. Here are some concrete tips to help you help them in their work without having to nag, threaten or fight with them.

Ask yourself what worked in the past: Think about a time when your child has gotten homework done well and with no hassles.

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What made it work that time? Ask your child about it and believe what he says. See what works and motivates him instead of what motivates you.

Stop the nightly fights.

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The way you can stop fighting with your kids over homework every night is to stop fighting with them tonight. They won't learn if they don't think for themselves and make their own mistakes. Parents can make suggestions and help with directions.

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But it's a kid's job to do the learning. Be a motivator and monitor. Ask about assignments, quizzes, and tests.

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Give encouragement, check completed homework, and make yourself available for questions and concerns. Set a good example. Do your kids ever see you diligently balancing your budget or reading a book?

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Adjust your plan as you go, letting your child take as much ownership of the process as possible. Tips, Tools, and Solutions for Stress-Free Homework. In some homes, that means doing it right after school; for others, it can mean waiting until after dinner if your child is the type who needs to expend some energy before he dives back into the books.

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Dolin recommends giving all kids at least 30 minutes to have a snack and unwind, with one caveat: Giving kids a half-hour break between after-school activities and homework is a smart idea, too. If your child goes to a babysitter or aftercare program, make a deal that while he's there he'll work on one assignment—something easy he can do even with distractions—every day before he gets home so he has less work later. The key is to be consistent about the routine.

School Help for Grade 5

Take a few weeks before homework gets heavy to try different approaches and see what works best, then stick to it. Everyone deserves a break on Fridays, of course. But pick a regular time during the weekend for homework. After some experimenting, D'nece Webster of Portland, OR, found that her son Alex, 7, is at his best on Sunday mornings. If your kid is truly stuck on a homework assignment, don't make the common mistake of trying to reteach the information.

Your goal is not to become your child's study buddy.

How to Help Your Kids With Homework | Parenting

Plus, your approach might be too different from the teacher's. You child understand what your teacher is saying, and your parents teach you another method. Instead, send an e-mail or note to the teacher asking her to please explain the material to your child again. If your homework is a fourth-grader or older, have him help the note or talk to the teacher.

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It's important that he learns how to speak up for himself. The teacher will likely have office children earmarked for those who homework help. However, too much help can mean, in the short term, that the day's lesson is not reinforced, which is the point of homework. They can become disconnected from help their responsibilities when it comes to homework. All that said, kids are individuals with different strengths and weaknesses.

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That help, though, should be geared toward teaching helps how to succeed on their own rather than simply getting though the lessons. If necessary, prompt your child to do this and ask him or her to predict how homework each assignment will take. Ask questions about upcoming projects and assignments and have your child spell out the plan for completing these before you make any suggestions regarding them.

Make your children open-ended "What assignments do you have due next week?

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