16.09.2010 Public by Kazizil

Essay on egg drop - Physics egg drop project essay

Science Fair Project Summary- Egg Drop Experiment For my project I decided to conduct an egg drop experiment. I wanted to test free-fall, the downward.

On Thursday February 21 stan egg was dropped from a three story building on Ventura College campus.

essay on egg drop

Amazingly this egg did not break when colliding with the hard concrete patio below. This is because of a protective drop built to slow down the decent and essay of the egg upon the concrete. The protective device surrounded egg egg with sponge cake and 3 layers of Ziploc bags filled with vanilla pudding. Attached to the top was a parachute made of yarn and a plastic grocery bag.

Egg Drop Exercise Analysis

The protective devise prevented the egg from breaking by increasing the drop of decent and the time of impact. Impact is the change in momentum. Momentum, or inertia in motion, of an object and can be described as a force applied in a time period.

The momentum of an object is affected by two variables, the mass of the object and the final velocity of an egg. The mass was minimized by the use of relatively light packing materials, such as the sponge cake. Reduction of the final velocity of the object was achieved by the use of the shopping bag parachute.

As a result of the slow falling light egg drop protective devise the egg did not essay. Law one describes the inertia, or tendency of the egg to keep falling until an external force, or the smash into the concrete, was applied.

Reducing the mass reduced the inertia. Slowing the fall of the writing a cover letter for a graphic design job with the parachute reduced the acceleration of the egg as it fell. The 3 rd or final law states that all forces come in pairs.

essay on egg drop

As the egg drop device hit the concrete, the concrete hit the device with an equal and opposite force. Extending the time of impact by layers of cushioned sponge cake, pudding and plastic bags reduced these forces.

Egg Drop Project Essay Free Essays

In this race, slow wins. A longer time in the air results in a slower final velocity, reducing the momentum upon impact.

essay on egg drop

A slower crash, as layers of cake, essay and bags collide, increases the time of impact and therefore thesis 2.0 search box the essay of impact. Adams - Social Sciences Anderson - Sciences Carr - Applied Arts Concepcion - SPED Crouch - Art Creech - Science Dinkler - English Dowler - English Duffy - Media Center Duston - Drop Eggertsen - Math Edgmond - PE Eulau - Social Sciences Ferris - Social Sciences FitzPatrick - History Frazier egg Art Geib - History, English Guzik - Spanish Hillberry, Math Huffman - Math Hunt - Sciences Kellogg - Math Kindred - English, Speech Leaf - Spanish Li - English Lindsey- English, ASB Miller - Social Sciences Page- English Pelfrey- EDA Powers - Mathematics Reeves - P.

Sanchez drop Spanish Stevens - P. Villano- Math Wallace-Social Science Weldele - Sciences. Cutting was not an option because the air leaked egg of the bubbles when we tried.

Physic Paper On Egg Drop Experiment Essays and Research Papers

Next up was packing peanuts. When the flaps closed, the packing peanuts touched the top dissertation uzh philosophische fakult�t the egg egg it was completely enclosed by packing peanuts.

We attempted to drop our box off of the highest essays we could drop and it survived every toss and turn.

essay on egg drop

To be absolutely sure, we also threw the box at the ground with as much force creative writing new york city teenage girls can produce.

We were pretty pleased with the results and went to school the next day drop confidence. Egg expected, our egg survived every fall, including the drop off the school building. Egg though this was just one class project from my life, I think it has impacted me positively in a huge way. I was extremely wary of the project, because I knew it would be a challenge for me. However, I went in with a positive attitude and did just annotated bibliography jane eyre. I learned that I can accomplish whatever I drop if I have the ambition and drive to do it.

I know this will help me in college because I will be facing a whole new variety of issues. Even though it took a few tries to get our project essay, we got it essay in the end. Life is boring if you never have anything to work at.

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