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Theme essay on night by elie wiesel - VSA Reps – Manufacturers Representative serving the Southwest since

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He takes all their valuables and threatens to shoot everybody in a wagon if night a single person escapes. A fifty-year-old woman named Madamae Schaechter is on the train with her ten-year-old son.

She had been separated from her husband and two older sons earlier and is now beginning to lose her mind. She starts screaming hysterically about a fire and a furnace that elie claims to see in the distance. At first, she terrifies the people in her wagon, and they rush to see what she is pointing at out the window. After hours of her screaming, the people on the train can take no more, and they tie her up, gag her, and begin beating her to make her stop screaming about the fire.

She breaks free from her restraints and periodically screams throughout the theme, until everyone else on the train feels like they are about to go mad too. Finally, the wagons arrive at Auschwitz, which they are told is thesis statement for moving out labor camp where conditions are good.

People's spirits lift, although Madame Schaechter continues to scream. As the train pulls into the camp, everyone suddenly sees the flames and chimney that Madame Schaechter had prophesied. When her vision finally materializes, Madame Schaechter becomes silent. Everyone is forced to get out wiesel the essay, amidst the smell of burning flesh.

Five-paragraph essay

They are at Birkenau, the reception center for Auschwitz. In this section of the novel, we catch our first glimpse of how human behavior changes when people are placed in extreme circumstances.

theme essay on night by elie wiesel

After being confined in a small, cramped wagon with no food, water, or sanitation, the young people submit to their animal instincts and copulate without even considering the people around them. If people are not respected as individuals within society and are instead treated as animals, as the Jews are, then they will begin to act as animals, without regard to the usual social conventions and responsibilities.

In addition to the physical torture and extermination that the Nazis submitted the Jews to, it is this kind of mental and psychological theme that may have proved most damaging to Holocaust survivors. Through a variety of methods that night be detailed in coming sections of the book, the Nazis denied the Jews and other inhabitants of the concentration camps their humanity and led them to behave in crude, brutal, and uncivilized ways.

Confined in essay spaces and denied their individuality, the Jews become anonymous beings concerned solely with their own survival. They wiesel no longer people to the Nazis, and unable to prove elie they were not simply animals, they began to act as if they were. Another striking example of this theme occurs with the people's treatment of Madame Schaechter.

theme essay on night by elie wiesel

Though she is a fifty-year-old woman and obviously unwell, she is beaten repeatedly about the head by young men trying to silence her. And her little boy says nothing: Her little boy clung to her; he did not cry out; he did not say a word.

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He was not even weeping now. Instead, his tone in this passage is very sad, full of regret and guilt. Since Madame Schaechter's hysterical shrieks was unnerving everyone in the car, he recognizes that it was necessary for their collective survival that she be silenced. At the same time, however, he seems to mourn the fact that such cruel behavior was necessary and that everyone, including the woman's own son, condoned such violent and vicious behavior.

In this nightmare world that the Nazis have created for the Jews, survival is the only concern, and human emotions and affective ties become irrelevant. Silence is an important theme in Night. In the first section Wiesel is preoccupied with how silent and complacent the pre-deportation Jews are and how they quietly and unknowingly go straight to their doom. The Jews do not believe anything bad can happen to them, they do not despair, and they quietly pass up on opportunities to escape.

Night: Theme Analysis | Novelguide

In this section, however, the silence and generally quiet tone of essay dialogue about health novel is violently shattered by the theme screaming of Madame Schaechter. Most of all, we are proud of our dedicated team, who has both the creativity and understanding of our clients' needs.

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Night: Theme Analysis

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