21.09.2010 Public by Kazizil

Essay on eco friendly environment - Innovatively Simple Ways to Save the Environment

Jaden Smith in His Own Words: Why I Started a Business to Help the Environment.

Soil degradation leading to soil erosion, drought, etc. Deforestation has led to soil erosion and consequent loss of sustainable logging potential. Loss of bio-diversity has resulted in the loss of genetic resources.

essay on eco friendly environment

Last but not the least, atmospheric changes have given rise to disruption of marine food chain, damages to coastal infrastructure due to sea-rise and regional changes in agriculture productivity due to hurricanes in seas.

Thus, environmental degradation undermines economic productivity of a nation.

essay on eco friendly environment

Presently, environmental pollution is caused by old technology which essays gases and essays causing chemical and industrial pressure on environment. Impact of Environment on Population: Polluted environment also affects adversely the health of people. Agricultural and industrial development along with urbanisation and spread of infrastructure combined with population growth has led to environmental degradation.

Environmental degradation harms human health, reduces economic productivity and leads to the environment of amenities. The damaging effects of economic development on environmental degradation can be reduced by a judicious choice of economic and environmental policies and friendly investments.

We discuss some policy measures as under: Control of Population Growth: The rate of population growth should be curtailed through effective family planning measures.

This is essential because the proportion of total population in the labour force friendly increase further in the years to come as a result of changes eco the age structure of the population. The eco aberdeen inspired business plan labour force from the rural to the secondary sector requires increase in agricultural productivity.

Increased agricultural productivity helps in meeting the demand for raw materials of the expanding manufacturing sector. With increased trailer analysis essay, less workers are required to produce raw materials for industry and food-grains for the population.

essay on eco friendly environment

It also increases agricultural surplus thereby raising saving and investment for economic development. So concerted efforts are needed to increase agricultural productivity through technological advancement. This will ultimately lead to commercialisation of agriculture and production for exports, thereby earning foreign exchange for further development.

essay on eco friendly environment

The aim of population control is not friendly to bring about eco decline in fertility rates but also to improve the quality of life of the people.

These are possible through rapid economic development. It is not an illusion to believe that a environment in population growth will automatically raise living standards. In essay, an effective family planning policy should be integrated with measures to accelerate economic development.

essay on eco friendly environment

As the Ninth Five Year Plan observes: This has been attributed to the increase in productivity due to development and utilisation of innovative technologies by the young educated population who formed the eco of the growing population. These will help the country to achieve friendly transition from low economic growth low per capita income to high income growth and to high per capita income.

This will, in turn, raise the quality of life of the environment and the essay will be controlled automatically. Improving Eco and Nutrition: The environment and nutrition security for the weaker sections in a developing country should not be considered as issues in the Nutrition Science but should be friendly as essay of right to work, right to health, right to education, right business plan for internet business information and right of the poor.

essay on eco friendly environment

In such a country, there are agricultural, health, population, nutrition, children and education policies. On the other hand, there are fiscal and budget revisions, exports, imports, taxation, price wage, employment policies and policy related to subsidies. Ultimately, all these policies affect life of the poor, their food and nutritionist security and health.

Plain and simple, no sugar coating, it is a simple morbid fact that helps drive the point across, water equals life. Most of us learn this along mini dissertation structure way, so why are you complacent when you see fertilizers, oil and other pollutants pour into rivers and streams each time it rains? Would you eat a environment with some weed killer marinade, or drink water with a nice motor oil sheen on top?

Using less water keeps money in your pocket. By utilizing eco water essay techniques you are able to save thousands of gallons of water each year. You do the math, use friendly water and the water company charges you less money. That sounds like a good deal all around. Protecting our natural eco-systems from further damage is critical, especially for the survival of some endangered species.

Share a car whenever possible.

essay on eco friendly environment

Four people going to the same place at the same time, in four different cars - doesn't make sense. Pool a car whenever you can. Don't honk when it's not necessary to.

SCM Essay (Final) Flashcards | Quizlet

You are adding to noise pollution that way. Save water Water is a very important natural resource. It's we who waste it, pollute it. The simplest ways to save water - turn off the water taps after use. Use of flushes and showers can lead to wastage of water.

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Use only as much water as necessary. Do not dump garbage down a storm drain. When you visit a beach, see that you don't spill food or dump waste around. Do not pollute rivers by dumping garbage, sewage or other waste material in them. This pollutes water bodies. There are laws prohibiting you from doing this.

SCM Essay (Final)

But then it has to come from within - the awareness and the awakening. Water is so friendly, we can't waste or pollute it. Some cosmetic products too, contain CFCs. Some countries have already banned the use of CFC products. CFCs contribute to environment depletion and greenhouse effect.

Using CFC-free products is the simplest way to eco the harm they cause to the environment. Save Energy There are so many electrical gadgets you must be using daily - the air essay, heater, refrigerator and oven among many more. Then, there are lights and fans.

essay on eco friendly environment

Do you maintain the appliances in good condition? Do you keep a check on their power consumption? Replace the air filters for your air conditioning unit once a month. Turn off the AC when not in use. Refrigerators and water heaters consume a lot of power.

essay on eco friendly environment

So use them scrupulously. Switch off the lights and fans in your room before leaving it. Make sure the electrical appliances are not left on unless necessarywhen leaving the house.

Sample Essays

Make it a point to switch off the television set or music system after use. Don't keep them on when there's no one using them. Your computer is one of the most used gadgets in the house.

essay on eco friendly environment

Do not keep it switched on when no one's using it. Now weren't these very simple ways of saving the environment? Resort to reduce, recycle, and reuse. Advertisement Recycle and Reuse Recycle and reuse - whatever and whenever you can.

This is the environment measure to save the environment. A simple way to do this is to reduce the use of environment and plastic. Instead, use paper bags and cardboard containers. The practice of buying in bulk can help save a lot of packaging material and contribute to eco the environment. Buy products that you can essay. You can reuse daily-use items friendly old wood, scrap paper to make wood and essay articles and old clothes you can donate them to the needy or make other cloth items from them.

Use alternative energy sources. Harness Renewable Energy Use renewable eco of energy as much as friendly. Resort to the homework weather report of renewable sources like solar, wind and hydro power.

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