29.10.2010 Public by Kazizil

Research paper on athletes as role models - Who Should be a Role Model | Teen Opinion Essay | Teen Ink

Video embedded  · Athletes of influence? The role model refrain in sport it is a common refrain that athletes are role models for, Research says no;.

Tyson was so mad and frustrated during the fight that he bit a part of Holyfield? What kind of parent would want their child to go around biting other children all because of what they saw on television?

research paper on athletes as role models

Athletes will also display bad conduct by throwing equipment or punching and hitting the things around them. If a model were to copy this sort of behavior somebody near by may end up injured or hurt.

There are also less paper ways that athletes are bad influences while on the field. Sometimes players will cheat so that their team can win or even just to athlete themselves role good. In baseball, some players put cork inside of their wooden bats so that the bats are lighter and easier to swing.

Sports of The Times - The Debate - Athletes as Role Models - archivoyanulaque.uta.cl

Some players or even columbia transfer application essay teams will take money as a bribe to purposely lose a game. For example inthe Chicago White Sox received money from someone and agreed to wreck the World Series.

Actions such as cheating can even be taken outside of just sports.

research paper on athletes as role models

If a child caught on to their favorite athlete cheating then he or she might try to cheat in school because it appears to be acceptable. Just as the good examples can be mimicked by children, the bad examples can and unfortunately will be mimicked too.

research paper on athletes as role models

Role models can set bad examples while on the playing field but their example off of the playing field can get even worse. One of the greatest problems among athletes is addiction.

Clearinghouse : Role Models and Sport

Some examples are drug addictions, alcohol addictions, and even gambling addictions. Although there is a drug policy for professional sports, many athletes use drugs anyway.

Drug use among young people in today? Elementary homework worksheets and gambling are also two major problems with athletes.

research paper on athletes as role models

Some athletes will get drunk and say things do things that they did not mean and then they can end up arrested. Getting arrested and being in trouble with authorities is not something that should be seen as acceptable to children.

research paper on athletes as role models

Gambling is yet another problem within the sports industry. Players often bet for or against their own team for large amounts of money. Sometimes the gambling can even go as far as turning into cheating by teams purposely losing games for money. Yet another negative factor to athletes is illegitimate children.

research paper on athletes as role models

This is mostly a problem within the NBA. Inan NBA agent who dealt with paternity claims figured that there is a child for everyone in the NBA and for every guy that does not have a child, there is another player with two or three children.

research paper on athletes as role models

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Should Athletes Feel Morally Obligated to Act as Role Models for Today Youth, and Why or How Might These Athletes Not Be Capable to Act as the Role Models That Society Would like Tem To. - Research Paper

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research paper on athletes as role models

Our collection includes thousands of sample research papers so you can find almost any essay you want. Athletes As Role Models Essays and Research Papers Search Athletes as Role Models Focusing on the demographics of those who follow athletes and consider them role models, it is safe to say that the youth who are involved The athlete as a role model is definitely not a new issue.

In fact it is quite ancient Athletes are good role models.

Professional Athletes as Role Models

Now before starting a role model is a person looked to by others as Teenagers represent an enormous market for advertisers. Why has the world become so accustomed to referring to athletes as role models?

research paper on athletes as role models

We do this because we see their Sports people athletes can be looked at in many different ways, each and every In my opinion there is nothing with athletes as role models. Parents should be the role model for their children Secondly, the onus is on the professional athletes to strive to be a role model for their younger fans because children

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