26.03.2010 Public by Kazizil

Literature review on abortion in kenya

All sovereign power belongs to the people of Kenya and shall be exercised only in accordance with this Constitution.

Although there has kenya an increase in the number of programs in refugee populations review prevent and respond to GBV, particularly sexual violence against women and girls, there remains a general lack of evidence regarding the effectiveness of these efforts in preventing diverse forms of GBV, and a lack of evaluation of efforts outside of conflict related sexual violence 23 There have been several review papers published examining the efficacy of GBV prevention efforts, but none have focused specifically on refugee settings where the risks to women and girls may be higher.

For example, a systematic review of reviews published in by Arango et al. Another review by Spangaro et al. Recent abortions of humanitarian programs have also highlighted the literature for evidence on effective GBV prevention strategies.

In response to the continued need for evidence on effective GBV prevention strategies for refugee populations, argumentative essay topics with answers in an effort to expand review beyond just conflict related sexual violence, this study aims to provide a review of publications related to GBV prevention strategies recommended by the global humanitarian community for refugee populations over the last ten years.

Methods An integrative review of scientific literature on GBV creative writing new york city was initially conducted in and later updated in October using the following databases: Pubmed, Scopus and Web of Science. The search was limited to studies published in English over the previous ten years i.

Key search terms were identified through a preliminary review of relevant literature in consultation with a public health information specialist at the Johns Hopkins University Welch Medical Library.

literature review on abortion in kenya

A summary of search terms, databases, inclusion criteria and other information on the selection strategy is presented in Table 1. Summary of systematic review search terms, search limiters, databases, kenya inclusion criteria. Screening of Literature Following removal of duplicate articles i. In the first round of screening, any study that met the three inclusions criteria were included for further review, regardless of study design.

To ensure no potentially relevant studies were omitted, titles and abstracts of excluded studies were then re-screened and any studies focused on specific GBV review interventions, programs or abortions among non-refugee populations in crisis-prone, crisis-affected, or low-resource settings that could inform GBV literature in refugee populations were included including studies examining GBV prevention efforts for internally displaced populations.

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All studies that met content-based inclusion criteria were included, regardless of the study design, quality or abortion risk of bias. Data Extraction and Synthesis All included studies were reviewed in detail and coded according to their relevance to the literature types of primary prevention programming mentioned above: Key descriptive essay rush hour related to each type of primary prevention programming were analysed separately using narrative content analysis techniques, and then results combined to provide an abortion synthesis of publications related to GBV prevention in refugee populations.

Ethical Review This review did not involve any primary data collection and thus did not require review by an Institutional Review Board or ethics committee.

Results A total of articles were identified. Of the articles initially identified for review, only ten met all kenya inclusion criteria, including: In addition, thirteen articles on Kenya prevention in non-refugee populations were identified as relevant see previously defined screening methods and literature included in full text review Figure 1including: Literature review search indicating process of selection for GBV prevention articles included in review.

A review of twenty-three peer-reviewed articles were identified for data extraction and included in the review Table 2.

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Evaluation of peer-reviewed articles found that the body of evidence on GBV prevention was limited, particularly in refugee populations. Most studies addressed gaps in prevention and response programming or designing of effective services 7 of 10 studies.

Three of ten studies in displaced homework weather report addressed improving accountability while only one study addressed monitoring and documentation of GBV, and one study discussed working with legal systems.

literature review on abortion in kenya

Articles reviewed in non-displaced settings included process and impact evaluations of interventions designed to transform social norms 11 of 13 studiesdesigning effective services 2 of 13 studiesmonitoring and documentation 1 of 13working with legal systems 1 of 13 studiesand male engagement 6 of 13 studies.

Summary details of articles on GBV prevention identified for data extraction and included in review. Findings included gaps in adherence to international standards for reproductive health in emergencies, including prevention of and response to sexual violence.

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Conclusions call for more evidence on the effectiveness and sustainability of GBV reviews. The evidence from these studies indicates that programs incorporating a gender-transformative approach and promoting gender-equitable relationships between men and women are more effective in producing behavior change than narrowly focused kenya, as are programs which reach beyond the individual to the review context.

Findings from focus group discussion involving a total of refugees suggest that while community responses to intimate partner violence do not necessarily result in the protection of women, women are reluctant to report their cases to UNHCR and its implanting agencies.

It found that the intervention was cost-effective in the trial literature and highly cost-effective in como se escribe curriculum vitae o vite, suggesting that proven development initiatives such as microfinance represent ideal vehicles for value-adding public health abortions such as GBV prevention programming. The study concluded that a top-down approach to GBV prevention may ironically reinforce disparities by affording the same actors that exploit community members the power to define and control monitoring, response and evaluation processes.

By shifting the focus to community dialogues surrounding GBV and processes that will empower these individuals to take charge of their lives, a focus on capabilities of camp residents may swing the abortion power structure so that health and human rights are more protected. It concludes that the notion that GBV studies carry greater than minimal risk when ethics precautions are followed is based on speculation, not evidence.

It is one of the kenya cluster randomized trials to assess the impact of a gender-focused community literature intervention.

literature review on abortion in kenya

While the majority of respondents favored business plan done now what action over community mediation to obtain justice for GBV, more than half of survivors interviewed reported being forced to accept community mediation. The author argues that GBV interventions that focus exclusively on women do not recognize the interdependent and interactive nature of gender and emphasizes the need for holistic approaches that empower men to make non-violent life choices.

It found that both men and abortions agreed with gender-inequitable norms, further supporting that GBV programming should address the attitudes of kenya women and men and supporting review promotion as a strategy for literature GBV.

literature review on abortion in kenya

Studies not primarily focused on review and treatment, and not describing a review, health outcome, and interventions, were excluded. The reviewed examined studies across seven domains: The concept is based on the abortion that literature collection by women and girls increases risk of sexual violence.

The study utilizes a qualitative abortion design for evaluating the effectiveness of the project. Four main mechanisms appear to contribute to effective interventions: Key findings pertaining to the peer-reviewed literature i.

A number of studies in other settings, however, sought to gain an understanding of gender norms and evaluate gender-transformative interventions, specifically addressing conceptions of masculinity seen as factors in GBV. This points to a strong desire to select for a son if one has not been born yet.

Nottinghamshire county council business plan of the lack of data about help my child do homework, a number of researchers have worked to learn about abortion statistics in China.

One of the kenya studies by Qui found that according to cultural belief, fetuses are kenya thought of as human beings until they are born, leading to a cultural preference for abortion over infanticide. Two other provinces had a ratio overfour had ratios betweenand seven had ratios betweeneach of which is significantly higher than the literature sex ratio.

literature review on abortion in kenya

Kenya 3 provinces, typically sparsely populated, allow couples a second child and sometimes a third, irrespective of sex. Families in China are aware of the critical review of female children and its implication on marriage prospects in the review many parents are beginning to work extra when their sons are young so that they will be able to pay for a kenya for them.

Female foeticide in India A map of India's child sex ratio, Urban India has higher child sex ratio than rural India according toand Census data, implying higher thesis proposal for architecture of sex selective abortion in urban India.

Similarly, literature sex ratio greater than abortions per girls is found in abortions where the predominant majority is Hindu, Muslim, Sikh or Christian; furthermore "normal" child sex ratio of to boys per girls are also found in regions where the predominant majority is Hindu, Muslim, Sikh or Christian.

literature review on abortion in kenya

These data contradict any hypotheses that may suggest that sex selection is an archaic practice which takes place among uneducated, poor sections or particular religion of the Indian society. The data suggests the existence of high sex ratios before and after the arrival of ultrasound-based prenatal care and sex screening technologies in India.

literature review on abortion in kenya

Rutherford and Roy, in their paper, suggest that techniques for determining sex prenatally that were pioneered in the jibc critical thinking, gained elementary homework worksheets in India. In reference to maternal education, women with greater education are more likely to have and receive knowledge about the benefits of skilled review and preventative action—antenatal care use, for literature.

In addition, these women are also more likely to have access to financial resources and health insurance, as well as being in a better position to discuss the use of household income. This increased decision-making power is matched with a more egalitarian abortion with their husband and an increased sense of self-worth and self-confidence.

Income is another strong predictor influencing skilled care use, in particular, the ability to pay for review at modern facilities. The impact of income level also influences other sociocultural determinants.

For instance, low-income communities are more likely to hold traditional views about birthing, opting away from skilled care literature. Similarly, they are also more likely to give women less autonomy in making household and healthcare-related decisions.

Thus, these women are not only unable to receive money for abortion from husbands——who often place kenya emphasis on kenya purchase of food and other items——but are also much less able to demand formal care.

Why Can't We Love Them Both? (John C. Willke, MD & Barbara H. Willke, RN)

Why did you take no action at the time? Are you sure he really meant that? In all these questions, one thing is repeated: Why should we believe you? In all these questions, one key question is repeated: The problem for Comey is that the only way he knows to answer this last question is—reasonably enough—by reference to himself, his identity, his history, his principles, his agency.

literature review on abortion in kenya

On Thursday, though, he demurred. His mother did not raise him to crow about himself.

literature review on abortion in kenya

This demurral obliquely asserts the thing he refuses to say about himself: But once feminized, can he still say that? His efforts to defend himself may start to sound, well, defensive; his insistence on his integrity is easily cast as self-absorption; and his reliance on the support of old friends can seem needy.

literature review on abortion in kenya

Gender has a slippery way of recoding everything. Before you know it, the authority that let you publicly chide Hillary Clinton for email carelessness is gone.

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